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Santa Fe Locals View Blog Archive: July, 2014

The Santa Fe Railyard

The Santa Fe Railyard

28 Jul, 2014

The Santa Fe Railyard is just a short 10-15 minute walk from the Inn of the Governors.

¡Viva la Cultura!

¡Viva la Cultura!

21 Jul, 2014

The summer season in Santa Fe lends itself to a myriad of special events, such as the Santa Fe Bandstand on the plaza, gallery openings with artists’ receptions, Santa Fe Opera, Santa Fe Wine and Chile Fiesta and multiple festivals – too many to comment...



15 Jul, 2014

One of the great joys of Santa Fe is the diversity of culture and unique events-just last weekend, the City Different hosted the International Folk Art Market at Museum Hill-a collection of four museums

Santa Fe Bandstand

Santa Fe Bandstand

15 Jul, 2014

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

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