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Santa Fe Bandstand

“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Berthold Auerbach

So true! Think of the times that you listen to a song and your day just falls away. The music fills the space that has a need to be forgotten or for your feelings to just shift to a better and/or different place. Maybe you just need a break from the routine of your life and shake off the doldrums of the day. What better way to do this but the Santa Fe Bandstand summer events on the plaza?

This is one of the best (and free) local happenings in Santa Fe. Every type of music is brought to the masses in our beautiful downtown Santa Fe plaza. Here’s the link to their schedule so you can plan your escape, either during your lunch break (starting in July) or for a fun-filled evening of foot tapping or body shaking rhythm.

It all begins on June 23 at 6pm with the Mil-Tones Brass Band. Are you missing New Orleans? Well, they’ve got you covered. Here’s a video from the 2013 event. I love watching the community come out to dance and listen. If you aren’t a dancer, just tap your foot to the beat of this 10-piece band. At 7:15pm you can get your Zydeco fix with Grammy award winning artist Terrance Simien. Here’s the 2013 video, just to give you a taste.

So….. Maybe that’s not your type of music? Not a problem. Santa Fe has it all. Here’s Hot Honey with an Americana Flavor on the 24th or Baracutanga with some Salsa flavoring on the 25th. I think you see where I am going with this. The selection of music changes and you can certainly find what you love or maybe just something to broaden your musical experience.

Santa Fe Bandstand offers free music through August 28. This summer's series ends with our local favorite Joe West and special guests. This video of Joe's performance is a great showcase of our local diversity and how we all come together when the music gets played.

So, join us, move your body (or just tap your foot) to the rhythm of summer music and at the end of the evening don’t forget to stop into Del Charro to quench your thirst and appetite. We'll be waiting for you. Safe travels, Deb Swanson

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