Merriam Webster defines hospitality as “the activity of providing food, drinks, etc. for people who are the guests or customers of an organization.” What better way for the Inn of the Governors (who provides for those travelers visiting Santa Fe) to benefit the local non-profit Kitchen Angels; but to award them our 1st quarter anniversary package donations. Our missions our similar; provide food and drinks for our guests (or clients) and to offer some companionship on their journey.
We could not be more pleased that with the help of our guests and an additional donation from the Inn, we have raised $5700.00 for Kitchen Angels. On Monday, Sam Gerberding, our General Manager, met with Tony McCarty (Executive Director) and Stephanie Gonzales (Board President) to share the good news. We received a tour of their facility and learned of their current capital campaign. If you have any questions on how you, too might help this worthy organization we have provided the contact information here.
So, this is just the beginning…. Our 50th anniversary package continues throughout the year and you, too may participate by staying at certain times for four evenings with a 4th night at $50, plus tax. Your $50.00 will be donated to ArtSmart, International Folk Art Alliance, or Esperanza Shelter based on which quarter you stay at the Inn of the Governors.
Safe travels, Deb Swanson